Sergio Elevated His Mind And Then Elevated His Wallet To Receiving $12,000 In One Day From Cash Gifting!

Reading I recommended to Sergio

$12,000 received IN ONE DAY!

Sergio’s Testimonial:

Hello Q. This is going to be kind of a long testimonial. I hope that is ok, but here it goes … 

I’ve been following you for quite a while now. If you check your records, you’ll see that I’ve been subscribed to your newsletter for about 5 years. Maybe a little more. I found you initially from a magazine ad and at the time I was in a real bad place financially. I had just gone through a divorce, my ex-wife took my two daughters and moved and my job gave me a deep pay cut. So needless to say, life was not at all great. I was really “down in the dumps” as they say … mentally and financially.

I subscribed to your newsletter and began to check everything out. It all looked and sounded great, but honestly I just couldn’t make myself pull the trigger. It wasn’t about the money, even though I didn’t have it at the time, but I know it was because mentally I just felt beat up. A failed marriage, my daughters being so far away, losing a big chunk of my income. It just seemed like everything was against me and then I just became really cynical. 

I looked at so many other programs, but really didn’t trust any of them. Then after awhile I became so desperate to make anything work, I just tried a bunch of stuff that was a lot cheaper, thinking I was being smart, getting a “deal” now and then I’d make enough to join your system later, but of course all that did was end up frustrating me more and causing me to lose more money that I really didn’t have to begin with.

At this point I just became angry and decided to leave everything alone for a while, but I was still getting your newsletters, which were very inspiring and I started picking up some of the books you recommended, but then they just sat there because I was still just in a bad place mentally and I felt like “ I need money right now and a book is not going to help me”. Then I got more bad news … I was being laid off. I just wanted to cry and to be honest, I did. I found myself sitting in a chair, sobbing and contemplating my life and suddenly my eyes fell upon the pile of books you recommended that I never even opened. So at this point I started reading. I felt like what the hell do I have to lose at this point, right?

I started with “As A Man Thinketh” and I have to say that I really really love this book. And I have to agree with you that for a small 52 pages, it is very powerful indeed! No fluff. And then I went on to read “Think and Grow Rich” and then “The Secret”. I followed your advice of getting up early in the morning and just taking some time to myself to read and condition my mind everyday. I would spend at least 1 to 2 hours reading and reprogramming my mind and then setting goals for myself. And I can tell you that before I found you, I’ve never read books like this before and now I’m hooked! I buy every book you recommend and they have all been eye-openers for me.

Without making this the longest testimonial ever, I will just wrap this up by saying that by following your advice, doing the recommended reading everyday … after 2 straight weeks of that, I really got my head together. I set a goal for myself to find the money to get started in your program within 7 days. I did exactly as you said and gave myself a short deadline. I took it all seriously, got a pen and pad and wrote down all my ideas on how I could come up with the money within 1 week. In short, out of everything I tried, I was able to borrow $1,000 from a close friend, I pulled $1,000 from a credit card, and the rest of the money I came up with by selling some jewelry and some things in my home that I could do without for the time being, like some older clothes and electronics.

I came in at Green and immediately started using your mailers, because It was the cheapest way to go for me at the time. I couldn’t afford to mail out to 1,000 leads and then follow up with them exactly as your frequency suggests, so I started with 300 and after exactly 38 days, I have a $12,000 day! To tell you “thank you” is truly not enough. You have no idea what this means to me. I have never had $12,000 in my hands at one time that I could take down to the bank and deposit. Things are really looking up and it all started with a fresh change of mind. I can honestly say that if I never received another dollar, your newsletters, your “Q-Boxes” and your book recommendations are invaluable to me and have helped to set me on a course for success that I would never have even dreamed possible before. This is only the beginning for me. I have become a voracious reader and goal-setter as you say and my thought pattern is just so different now. I‘m truly “attracting” a better life.

My ex-wife and I are on better terms now and I’m moving closer to my daughters. I have some ideas for launching my own design firm. I’m just really in a happy place and thinking clearer now than I ever have before. I truly thank you for this opportunity and sorry for the long email, but I really just wanted to speak from the heart. Thanks again Q!

— Sergio R.

(End testimony)

Read another testimony: Jacob copied Q and received $36,000 IN ONE DAY!

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