Lifestyle Money …

I went jet-setting for 3 weeks. Blew over $240k. And not once did I have to look at my bank balance. Besides … I do 6-figures every 2 to 4 weeks anyway.

Oh yeah, I forgot … 

Then I chartered a yacht. Returned home to a pile of money. A full voicemail. An overloaded inbox. And more leads than I can possibly handle.

By the way … how is your spring/summer going?

Damn, that was fun! …

I haven’t been on vacation in a while. Busy as hell. And I needed to slow down a bit. Sometimes you need a recharge. You need to see why you’re working so hard. And the best way to do it is by spending some of this good money!

So since I haven’t played hard in a while, I decided to go really big … I took off for almost a month! Never did that before – and damn, DID-IT-FEEL-GOOD!

I went on a 3-week vaycay. Hopped a jet and hit Disney World, Universal and SeaWorld with my family for two weeks. Then the Bahamas for a week – we had a blast!

All together the trip cost me over $240,000. Here’s how it went …

Hopped a jet to Florida! …

G4 Jet Charter = $143,333.75

Disney World Resort Suite (2 weeks) = $20,851.00

Admissions To All (6) Disney Theme Parks, Food and Souvenirs = $11,017.96

Universal Studios, Islands Of Adventure and Seaworld Admissions, Food and Souvenirs = $3,268.52

Hopped back on the jet and made a skip over to the Bahamas! … 

Atlantis Resort Suite (one week) = $42,103.00

Room Service, Cabana and Spa = $10,750.23

Yacht Charter (1 Day) = $10,000.00

Grand Total $241,322.75

I Dropped Almost A Quarter Mil On A 3-Week Vacation.

This is Lifestyle Money, People! 

Like Seriously … Are You Getting This Yet?

No Credit! …

Not one dollar of my trip was financed with credit cards or any type of loans. The majority was paid for in full, up front, and the rest was “pay as you go” by an unlimited debit card … not a credit card … A DEBIT CARD! I approve myself with my own money and I don’t need credit.

You see the room keys in my pics? Those room keys can be used as cash and you just swipe them wherever you are on the resort property and it’s charged to a card that you leave on your suite. Either a credit card or debit card.

Most people leave their credit card, because they can’t afford to have $20,000 or $30,000 or $40,000+ being pulled from their checking account. Not me … I leave an unlimited DEBIT CARD because I can have six-figures pulled from my checking account at any time, without even making a dent!

And notice I said “Unlimited Debit Card” … Why? … Well that’s because debit cards attached to normal bank accounts at your local bank are automatically tagged with a daily purchase limit of how much cash you can withdraw.

But … if you bank where wealthy people bank … or if you have some real money … like 7 or 8 or 9+  figures sitting in your checking account … then you can simply tell your bank manager to remove the limit, so you can access all of your money anytime you want, like a grown adult. I don’t know about you, but I’m not a kid. I don’t need anyone trying to limit how I can spend my money. But anyway …

Me and my family ran through Disney World, Universal, SeaWorld and The Atlantis, and spent freely without a budget or any worries of there being enough money to do whatever we wanted to do. Like I said … Lifestyle Money! … We did everything there was to do in all places and had a ball!

Then I came home and the machine was still turning … delivering crisp piles of money!

I still don’t think you get it though …

There’s some people looking at this right now and don’t even believe it, but hey … what are you gonna do? Some people you can help and the others, I say “screw ‘em!” … I don’t have time to chase people. Not my style.

Some people could see the sky open and God himself could reach down and point to a particular program and say “Join this right now – You’ll get rich!” … and they still won’t join. And if you chase people like this, you’ll never make any money!

Cash Gifting isn’t for everybody. Some people just don’t get how powerful of a cash generator it really is, but I’m here to tell you … 

If you’re looking at this as a way to help you pick up some extra money, to help pay a car note and a few other little bills every month … then your goals are too weak for this program. Your thinking is small and you’re in the wrong place.

This program is for people who have HUGE goals that require significant capital!

Test yourself. If you can’t answer yes to any of these types of questions, then you should quit looking at this and stop wasting your time …


Are you looking to buy a brand new car for at least $100,000+ and would like to pay in full – NO LEASE?


Are you looking to pay off a mortgage that maybe has $300,000+ left on the bank loan?


Are you looking to buy a brand new boat for about $400,000?


Are you looking to buy a new home for about $700,000 and want to pay for it in full?


Are you 6-figures in debt (medical bills, credit cards, etc.) and want to pay it all off now?


Would you like to replace your current income and take off traveling for (6) months?


Do you need to raise $100k to start a new business venture?


Do you want to live a lifestyle that does not depend on a credit report, because you can pay for everything in full and don’t need credit?


Do you need a significant amount of capital to carry out some kind of charity or “legacy work” that you’d like to do before you die?

The above are some REAL goals that belong to some people in our program who I’ve talked to, that are taking this seriously! Now you don’t have to have the same exact goals, but if they’re not on this level … then I have to ask you … why are you here?

Because honestly … if you don’t have goals like I just listed above, you just don’t get this! And your goals are too weak for this system.

I’m Looking For People Who Actually Want Things – BIG THINGS! People Who Want To Do Stuff. Who Hate Living On A Credit Report And Want True Financial Freedom!

Those Are The Kind of People That I Like To Hang Out With And Add To My Team Of “A Players”.

Does That Sound Like You?

Are you looking for Lifestyle Money?

Do Something BIG!

Join at the Green Level and pick up $30,000 on only (5) enrolls and go buy you a brand new car – CASH!

  • Use my system and just slap a stamp on my pre-designed postcards and mail to leads, while letting the system do the rest of the heavy lifting for you!
  • Receive $6,000 cash by overnight courier on every lead that enrolls under your ID number!
  • Have enrollments closed for you. No chasing people. No talking to leads. No hassle!
  • Get my new Fast Start Guide containing my complete arsenal of tips, tricks, secrets, cash gifting campaigns and strategies for consistently pulling in six-figures a month! 

Plus …

  • Get my “12 Letter Cash Machine” that pulled in over $700,000 for me and my team, in only 94 days, by using 12 simple letters that I created in Microsoft Word!
  • Crush it with my “copy n’ paste” e-mail campaign that pulled in a quick $66,000 by USING OLD LEADS! 

Do Something even BIGGER!

Join at the Black Level and pick up $100,000+ on only (9) enrolls and go put a down payment on a new house!

  • Use my system and just slap a stamp on my pre-designed postcards and mail to leads, while letting the system do the rest of the heavy lifting for you!
  • Receive $18,000 cash by overnight courier on every lead that enrolls under your ID number!
  • Have enrollments closed for you. No chasing people. No talking to leads. No hassle!
  • Get my new Fast Start Guide containing my complete arsenal of tips, tricks, secrets, cash gifting campaigns and strategies for consistently pulling in six-figures a month! 

Plus …

  • Get my “12 Letter Cash Machine” that pulled in over $700,000 for me and my team, in only 94 days, by using 12 simple letters that I created in Microsoft Word!
  • Crush it with my “copy n’ paste” e-mail campaign that pulled in a quick $66,000 by USING OLD LEADS!
  • Get premium leads that are pre-qualified to have at least $10,000+ cash-in-hand and are looking for what we have!

Hey I’m Just Spit-Ballin Here, Giving You Some Suggestions, But You Can Get The Cash And Use It For Whatever You Want.

Choose Your Path …

Hey Q, I was asleep, but this woke me up. I’m serious and I wanna check everything out.

I’ve checked everything out already and it looks awesome, but I’ve been dragging my ass in making a decision. I WANT IN THIS DAMN THING – NOW!