In 1996 when I had money problems …
I put a gun to my head!

If you have a problem finding money right now, you should read this …
It’s a cliche …
You see it in almost every movie that involves guns, spies, secrets, gangsters, etc.
The old “gun to the head” routine:
“Tell Me What I Wanna Know Or I’m Gonna Blow Your F’in Head Off!”
It’s a classic line.
And it works all the time …
Even in real life!
Just take the average person, put them in a room with a couple of hard asses and threaten them, in order to gain some valuable info.
Maybe even smack ‘em around a bit.
You might get somewhere and you might not.
Some people can be quite stubborn.
But now change the game.
Pull out something that looks like this …

Then put the barrel flush on their temple, so they can feel the cold steel on their skin.
Put your finger on the trigger and pull back ever so slightly, just enough so they can hear the click.
Then say …
“Tell Me What I Wanna Know Or I’m Gonna Blow Your F’in Head Off!”
Suddenly a person who didn’t know anything, now knows everything and is willing to show you exactly where “everything” is.
Suddenly a person who wasn’t willing to sign over a deed to a large commercial property, is now willing to sign, if you can just give them a pen.
Suddenly a person who saw no way to come up with $10,000 is now chock full of ideas on exactly how they can come up with the money, if you can only give them just a day or two – they’ll have it!
Two words …
Extreme Motivation!
See …
Back in 1996, this is where I was.
I went completely bankrupt.
Got evicted from (2) apartments.
Had two cars repoed.
Was newly married around this time that I fell into financial trouble and had to move in with my mother-in-law …
Sleeping on her living room floor.
( Talk about embarrassing )
I ended up on welfare.
Living off of $400 a month in benefits.
I had hit an all-time-low.
I was seriously depressed.
I felt like a total LOSER!
And to be honest with you and myself …
Because I allowed this to happen to me.
I’m moving too fast.
And I’m dumbing this down.
Let me give you the full picture …
I had nothing to lose …
Because at this point in my life, I’m sleeping on my mother-in-law’s living room floor with my 3-year old son, my infant son, just only a few days old … and my wife.
And that’s no bullshit.
THAT was my life!
Imagine this scenario over three and a half years BEFORE you hit rock bottom …
You bust your ass (7) days a week, running two companies in a family business THAT YOU DON’T OWN, then …
Because you’re family and you’ll understand, you start getting paid late, paid half or not at all, until finally you get the picture that you need to look elsewhere for your livelihood, because your family just screwed you!
But not before you get evicted from (2) apartments because you’re trying to wait things out, to see if it’ll all turn around, but the money never shows up and now the landlord is tired of your dead-beat stories.
You now have the embarrassment of asking your mother-in-law if you can you move in with her until you get back on your feet.
And because there’s no room, you have to sleep on the floor – take it or leave it.
And …
Your wife is pregnant!
So you’re now on the hunt to try and make some money from home, so you sell things and borrow money to jump in every work-at-home deal that comes your way, but you fail in 99% of them and so your ENTIRE FAMILY thinks you’re nuts and should be fit for a straight jacket!
You try, you try and you try, but nothing works and so you now have accepted that YOU NEED WELFARE TO SURVIVE, just so that you can get food stamps to assist with putting food in the house, because your mother-in-law makes complaints about you not having a job and having to feed you!
I swear, I felt so low at this point … I cried some nights, but nobody saw …
I wouldn’t let them break my spirit!
This pretty much goes on for 3 and half years and …
People are laughing at you.
Thinking that they’re better than you.
You’re constantly being threatened with eviction if you don’t ACT LIKE A NORMAL PERSON AND JUST GO AND GET A JOB!
Because there’s no space in the house for your things, you now have to live out of garbage bags.
Everyday you wake up, you’re looking in a garbage bag for things to wear and you can’t even afford to wash your clothes, so you have to ask your in-laws to do it and you’re already sleeping on their floor and eating their food, right? – So what nerve do YOU have?
Because attitudes clash, you now have to bounce back and forth between your parents house and your mother in-law’s for a place to lay your head AND YOU’RE STILL SLEEPING ON THE FLOOR AND LIVING OUT OF GARBAGE BAGS AT EITHER PLACE!
You refuse to get a job and make someone else rich, so you keep on keeping on, searching for a home business that ACTUALLY WORKS for you.
You keep running up other people’s phone bills because YOU HAVE TO GET ON CONFERENCE CALLS to learn about this new MLM opportunity, but …
You have no money to pay the bill and so this creates more pressure and makes you look even more stupid!
Especially after a few years with no success, no money and no place of your own, but you stick to your guns and say “ I’m NOT getting a job …
And don’t forget about the baby that’s coming.
And after a couple of years … another one!
Side Note:
I guess you find other ways to relieve the stress, when you don’t have a multi-million dollar business to distract you yet … (LOL) … get my drift? !!!
I’m tellin ya …
I’m trying to go deep here, but I’m really just touching the surface.
I could turn those 3 and a half years into a movie.
It’s a lot to try and S-Q-U-E-E-Z-E into this post.
But at the end of it all … there I sat …
For a load of unpaid speeding and parking tickets that I couldn’t afford to pay and my pregnant wife and my 3 year-old son had to see me get arrested and I had to call my mother, who had to BORROW MONEY, just to get me out.
And by the way …
Did I mention that within that last year, my wife and I had to end up living out of small motels because we got evicted by our own families.
I kept us afloat with a little mail-order program that I found, but it was just enough to scrape by day to day and everyday we woke up wondering if we were going to end up in a shelter.
I had officially hit rock bottom.
My mom paid my traffic tickets and bailed me out of jail using money she borrowed from my 60 year-old grandfather.
Now me, my wife and my son are forced to go sleep on the floor, yet again, at my mother’s house.
I get there in the afternoon.
I’m sitting on the couch, thinking about my life and how the hell I can turn this thing around – OVERNIGHT!
Then …
Not a real gun.
A “mental gun”.
I acted as if a gun was put to my head and I made it real in my mind.
Then I gave myself an ultimatum …
Either I was going to get my shit together, right then and there, or it was over for me!
Was I willing to go another year, sleeping on someone’s floor, allowing my sons to grow up and see their father as a dead-beat who couldn’t provide, continue with being dependent on $400 a month in welfare and live with the shame of not taking care of my wife?
I left myself no choice.
I had finally had enough.
I just couldn’t take it anymore.
So I put a big mental gun to my head and said …
“You’ve Got 24-Hours To Think Your Way Out Of This Difficulty Or I’m Going To Blow Your F’in Head Off!”
And that’s exactly what I did.
I gave myself extreme motivation!
I picked myself up, sat down with a pen and a legal pad and I began TO THINK!
Ideas started to flow like never before.
I made a way and found the money I needed to make things happen.
I got into cash gifting.
And 2 weeks later I was still on the floor …
But my own floor!
In a brand new town house for $2,000 a month.
Back then, that was like having a mansion!
Then after (4) months, I went out and spent like $30-Grand to fill the entire place up with furniture.
A month after that, I purchased a brand new Lexus SUV for $40,000 AND I PAID IN FULL!
In my first (5) months of cash gifting, I had received over $150,000!
I can’t even fully explain to you what that felt like.
The rest is history.
So …
None of you can tell me what it’s like to struggle.
Been there, done that!
You can’t impress me with your sob story.
When you say you can’t find money to join …
When you say you can’t do this or you can’t do that …
When you say it’s too hard …
The truth is that you don’t want it bad enough.
You’re not motivated enough.
You haven’t had enough pain.
You haven’t hit rock bottom yet.
You haven’t had a gun put to your head!
You’re telling me you can’t find the money to join?
Ok …
Scenario 1:
A court officer shows up on your doorstep at 8am and tells you that if you don’t come up with $7,000 to pay your past due mortgage by the end of the business day – you, your spouse and your children are on the street …
Now tell me …
Would you come up with the money?
Scenario 2:
The person you love most …
Spouse, child, whomever.
They’re in the hospital with a terminal disease that can only be cured with an experimental medicine that is guaranteed to work, but it costs $7,000.
You’ve only got 48-hours to come up with the money or they’re dead.
Either come up with it or watch them die.
Now tell me …
Would you come up with the money?
Scenario 3:
You’ve got a good job, making good money, but you’re in debt and behind on your car note.
The repo dude shows up at your job at 9am and tells you that if you don’t come up with $7,000 to pay your past due car note by lunch time …
He’s gonna repo your car, right in front of your job.
Your co-workers will see this and you’ll never live down the embarrassment.
On top of that …
If you lose your car, you have no other way to get to work, because it’s too far for public transportation.
And there’s no car pool, nobody you know that has an extra car laying around and you can’t afford the extra money for a rental every week.
If you lose this job, there goes your paycheck.
And you’re already about (2) paychecks away from being on the street.
Now tell me …
Would you come up with the money?
If you’ve read all the way down here …
And you’re still whining and complaining about not being able to come up with money …
Unsubscribe yourself right now from my newsletter, because there is seriously no hope for you.
Some of you complain about not being able to find money and you’re living in a two income household!
And/or you have more than 1 car!
And/or you have credit cards!
And/or you have a bank account!
And/or you have a job!
Are you fucking kidding me?…
I literally had nothing!
I was bankrupt!
But you know what …
That’s the problem for some of you.
You’ve got too much.
You need to lose it all.
Then … Then …
You’ll be hungry!
Then it will be a MUST for you to succeed.
Because you won’t have a choice.
Would you like to be able to make moves to better your situation without having to lose everything first, like I did?
Here’s the answer …
Skip my 3 and a half years of stumbling, struggling and pain and get a BFG.
What’s a BFG?

Here’s the BFG from the movie “Doom”.
But make sure yours is a “mental” one.
( LOL )
Now …
In your mind’s eye put that BFG to your head and say:
“I’m Giving You Just 48-Hours To Come Up With _____________ Or I’m Going To Blow Your F’in Head Off!”
Make it real in your head.
Leave yourself no way out.
Make the deadline real.
And here’s a secret:
The shorter you make the deadline …
The more intense your motivation will be!
So in closing …
None of you can tell me what it’s like to struggle.
Been there, done that!
You can’t impress me with your sob story.
When you say you can’t find money to join …
When you say you can’t do this or you can’t do that …
When you say it’s too hard …
The truth is that you don’t want it bad enough.
You’re not motivated enough.
You haven’t had enough pain.
You haven’t hit rock bottom yet.
You haven’t had a gun put to your head!
— Q, The Cash Gifting Expert